Who is the best manufacturer of Tube Expander in India?


Tube instruments are used in the manufacturing and repair of process machinery such as heat exchangers, condensers, boilers, evaporators, chillers, and other process equipment.


Manufacturers, retailers and exporters of tube expanders/tube expansion tools for heat exchangers and other devices. We provide all sorts of equipment such as boiler tube expanders, condenser tube expanders, tube assembly tools, tube removal tools, tube pushing machines, hydraulic tube expansion machines, and more.


In Nigasu Engineering the company we design Tube Expander Manufacture In India and supply. Tube tools are used in the manufacture and maintenance of process machinery such as heat exchangers, condensers, boilers, evaporators, chillers, and other process equipment. We manufacture tube expanders of any type for heat exchangers and boilers to meet our clients' specific requirements.

1- Grooving tools

2-Tube end facing tools

3-Tube pullers

4-In-situ machining tools

5-Torque control units

6-Allied heat exchanger tooling ex-Tube guide, reamer, tube, drift, tube puller.


In Nigasu Engineering works on Heat Exchanger Retubing Service In India we are engineers in this sector, it is well equipped with all the requisite tools and machines are driven by highly trained and skilled engineers. We independently retubed carbamate condensers, waste heat boiler(Bonnet type), RG Boiler in various fertilizer plants. Air fin coolers and other bulk heat exchangers for refineries graphite tube retubing, cold heat exchanger sulfuric acid plant. We are fully installed.


Our company client list

1-Tata chemicals limited

2-Godrej and Boyce manufacturing company limited

3-Hindalco industries limited

4-Larsen and Toubro limited

5-Lloyds stell limited

We have the u-bending capability to convert straight tubes into curved tubes that many heat exchanger designs need. We can provide new tubing, or we can work on the tubing you provide.


In any heat exchanger phase, we try to upgrade the tubing to improve energy efficiency. In certain cases, a stronger alloy would allow you a long life cycle of the unit. We'll work with you to find the perfect combination of efficiency and durability for your particular application.

In order to minimize the expense of heat exchanger retubing, we also provide eddy current tube analysis. The eddy current test can determine which tubes need to be replaced and which can stay in use. Please contact Nigasu Engineering company for more details or to make a heat exchanger retubing appointment.

From refineries to fertilizer plants, steel mills to power plants, Nigasu is a trusted brand in keeping with strict quality controls, we have been regular suppliers and contractors everywhere there are heat exchangers and boilers. As both tool builders and out of the box contractors, we are willing to satisfy the most strict consumer standards in term of protection and efficiency

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